County Commission

Decatur County Board of County Commissioners. From the left, front row, are Commissioner George Anderson, Chairman Pete Stephens and Vice Chairman Dennis Brinson; back row, Commissioners Bobby Barber, Jr, Steve Brock and Rusty Davis.


Decatur County is governed by an elected body collectively known as the Board of Commissioners. The Board meets regularly in a public forum, to discuss, receive input on, and vote on, current “open” issues. The County’s administrative staff and day-to-day operations are managed by County Administrator Alan Thomas, who works closely with the Board of Commissioners to ensure that effective communication is maintained between the Board and the staff.

               County Commissioners


Position/District Name

Re-election Year

Chairman: Pete Stephens 2026
Vice Chairman: Dennis Brinson 2028
District 1: George Anderson 2026
District 2: Steve Brock 2028
District 3: Dennis Brinson 2028
District 4: Rusty Davis 2026
District 5: Bobby Barber, Jr 2028
District 6: Pete Stephens 2026

The Board of Commissioners meets twice a month, on the second and fourth Tuesday. Each meeting is held at the County’s Administrative Office building at 203 W. Broughton St. in Bainbridge and is open to the public. The meeting on the second Tuesday of each month is held at 9 a.m. and the one on the fourth Tuesday of each month is held at 7 p.m. For those wishing to speak at a commission meeting, or present an issue to the commission, there is a requirement that requests to speak be submitted to the Decatur County offices in writing at least one week prior to the scheduled meeting at which the person wishes to speak, so that the meeting agenda can be properly planned. Also, a citizen may sign-in with County Clerk Michelle West before the beginning of each meeting but the speaker will be limited to five minutes when addressing the Board of Commissioners during “Public Participation” phase of the agenda.

Click here for information on the Association County Commissioners of Georgia (ACCG). For information on State laws governing the county, go to Official Code of Georgia Annotated (OCGA).

Click here to a link for County Commission minutes and other documents.


Decatur County Comprehensive Plan 2017

Tax Digest and 5 year History 2019

Decatur County Budget FY 2018-2019

Decatur County Budget FY 2019-2020

Decatur County Budget FY 2020-2021

Decatur County Final Budget FY 2022

Decatur County Final Budget FY 2023

Decatur County Final Budget FY 2024

FY 2025 Budget Draft